In psychology, "attitude" is a consistent and sustainable system of thoughts, feelings and behavioral preparations concerning a subject. It is acquired and often has high stability. In the field of moral education, this human capacity can be best applied and used in the form of an educational strategy. Teachers can start "attitude-formation" through a conscious and cooperative intervention to provide information, motivate, and teach the necessary behavioral skills regarding ethical issues. Considering the instability of most of moral teachings in the existing educational strategies, this study uses the descriptive-analytical method and extra-religious approach to introduce "attitude formation" as a new educational strategy in the field of ethics. The findings show that this strategy is more preferred compared to other moral education strategies because of providing the proper context, comprehensiveness, and permanence of teachings. It can be presented in the form of a model of moral education by determining the foundations, goals, principles and methods.
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, Somayyeh sadat, Azarbayjani, Masuod, falah, Mohammad Javad, , Mahmoud.(2024) Attitude Formation, a New Strategy in Moral Education. Islam va Pazhuheshhaye Tarbiyati, 15(2), 37-56
Somayyeh sadat ; Masuod Azarbayjani; Mohammad Javad falah; Mahmoud ."Attitude Formation, a New Strategy in Moral Education". Islam va Pazhuheshhaye Tarbiyati, 15, 2, 2024, 37-56