Teaching the Qur'an is a task and concern that has always been considered by the Islamic system, officials and teachers of the Qur'an, researchers in the field of education and caring parents of children. In this regard, although outstanding activities have been done, the field research carried out show that there are still many problems. This research has been done in order to present an "optimal model in formal education of Quran in the elementary schools of Iran". The research method in this study is qualitative, and the sample population includes all high level documents and national experts in teaching Qur'an in elementary schools. The sampling method used in this research is purposive and the selection of sample individuals has continued to the point of theoretical saturation. In the data collection method, various instruments have been used in accordance with the research questions. The results of this research are as follows: 1. The elements of optimal teaching of the Qur'an in elementary school are: objectives, content, teacher, other institutions, evaluation system, teaching methods, the management of Qur'anic affairs, educational tools and media and calligraphy, student, spiritual- physical atmosphere and appropriate teaching time. 2. In addition to educational quantities, i.e. educational elements, it is necessary to observe quality, i.e. the characteristics of each of the educational elements. 3. Presenting an optimal model in the field of formal education of the Qur'an in elementary schools of Iran