The present article investigates human characteristics from the Islamic viewpoint, the goals of educating and training human beings, and the features of educating children based on the Holy Prophet's way of life. To do so, the principles of Islamic worldview have been explained, because we have to present a definition of the world to define and know human being. These principles are as follows: the principle of Divine Unity, the principle of universe's being created, the principle of the hidden world and the visible world, the principle of evolution of the universe, the principle of the evolution direction of the phenomena, and the principle of the Resurrection (Ma'ad). Then, the human characteristics from Islamic viewpoint, such as his evolutionary feature, reason, freedom, self-consciousness, and his end in life have been discussed; and through a definition of the education and training and its necessity, the goals of Islamic education and training have been briefly stated. At the end, the features of educating children from the Prophet's viewpoint have been briefly stated